Frames magazine is a Facebook Group covering all genres of Photography run by Tomasz Trzebiatowski. As well as the usual benefits of joining a Facebook Group, Frames has the added benefit of a Printed quarterly publication a monthly Digital Companion and much else. I highly recommend you at least look at what it has to offer.
FRAMES Magazine photography group.
The above two pages are from this months digital companion the first is the Front Cover of my picture of the old boathouse on the Isle of Shona which is now being converted into luxury holiday accommodation.
The other shot is of the first page of a three page essay on the image By Professor W. Scott Olsen writer and photographer Concordia College Minnesota, who I thank fo his eloquent assessment of the photo. The original article is copyrighted but I have permission to copy the first page and I hope this might persuade some of you to subscribe to Frames in some way at the link below.
FRAMES Magazine photography group.